Meet the team


Managing Director and Chartered Occupational Hygienist

Damien Eaves

BSc(Hons) Dip.Occ.Hyg., CFFOH, MIOA, MWMSoc(Snr), OSHCR

Damien is a Chartered Occupational Hygienist and Chartered Fellow in the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS). He has nearly 20 years of experience in worker health protection in many different workplaces.

Damien is also – 

  • Member of the Institute of Acoustics
  • Senior Member of the Water Management Society
  • Member of the Society of Occupational Medicine
Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor

BSc (Hons), LFOH, Occupational Hygienist

Alex holds the Certificate of Competence in Occupational Hygiene and a series of LEV qualifications, including P601 and P602. He conducts noise, exposure and LEV assessments for many companies in the UK. He has experience working in varied types of industries, including large manufacturing sites, food factories, mines, and glass and timber sites. Before working at Validate he was an Occupational Health Operations Manager, organising and managing a team of occupational health nurses.

 Jason Holt

Jason Holt

BSc (Hons), MSc, AFOH Occupational Hygiene Technician

Jason is an Associate member of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene and has 3 years of occupational hygiene experience after completing an MSc in Exercise Physiology at Leeds Beckett University.  He carries out a number of different assessments for Validate, but he is particularly interested in noise exposure, vibration and volatile organic compounds.  He is well on his way to completing his Certificate of Competence in Occupational Hygiene.

Ben Renshaw

Ben Renshaw

AFOH, Occupational Hygienist

Ben is an Asbestos specialist and Occupational Hygienist at Validate Consulting, with more than 15yrs experience in consultancy, he currently undertakes a wide variety of assessments including Electromagnetic Field assessments, COSHH, Noise and LEV surveys around the UK.

Liam Davies

Liam Davies

Meng, AFOH, Occupational Hygienist

Liam is an Associate of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene, he has a Masters in Aerospace Engineering from Leicester University. He undertakes a wide range of assessments to help protect worker health and is a key asset to the Validate team.
Callum Roe

Callum Roe

BEng, Occupational Hygiene Technician

Callum is an Occupational Hygiene Technician at Validate Consulting and has experience in helping a wide variety of clients across the UK from food manufacturing to foundries.  He has a background in Aerospace Engineering and undertakes workplace air monitoring, noise and vibration assessments. 

Steven Hodgkiss

Steven Hodgkiss

Occupational Hygiene Technician

Steven joined Validate in January 2023 and is our newest consultant to the team, he has previous extensive experience in the asbestos industry air monitoring and surveying. He currently conducts air monitoring and noise assessments and helps other consultants on larger projects. He is already on the road to becoming an Associate of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene.

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